This page is mostly about programming, the computer industry and just about anything else that might be considered to be at least 50% geek.  Have fun.


--Sunday September 05, 1999--

Wow, have I been busy ;).  Anyway the long and short of it is I have been spending a lot of time on job related issues and apologize for not updating the SETI Bench numbers.  I have received all your submissions and will try and do a batch update real soon.  What free time I do have has been tied up with (yes there isn't much to see there yet, but as the sign says coming soon).  Once we launch I'll try and chronicle a little of what went on in the development of that project.  It really has progressed quickly considering its intended size.  Also on a more personal note I've been spending a lot of time with my daughter lately.  She seems to have really started taking to her old man and who can't love a child who like their dad's PC.

--Sunday August 15, 1999--

Yet more Cyrix comments.  The more I post the more they flow.  Go have a look at the bottom, this one is long and very interesting.

--Saturday August 14, 1999--

I have just posted some additional comments from some Cyrix (or ex-Cyrix) employees to the Cyrix Comments page.

I plan on updating the SETI baseline benchmarks today or tomorrow as well.  I am also contemplating have a 'real' news guy come in and do purely technical news updates.  By this I mean things like links to be papers on microprocessor design, etc.  If you would like to see this, please e-mail me, so I can find out if you folks want yet another source of techy news. is the best address to use.

--Earlier than that--

Hi folks.  Could someone from Rise please contact me and let me know what exactly is going on down there.  I've heard a rumor or two and wouldn't mind hearing from you folks.

Well folks it has started.  Apparently AMD has green lighted folks to start with the Athlon reviews.  JC over at JC's PC News & Links will maintain a list.  But I think I should give you a link to the very first LEGAL AMD Athlon review (well definitely the first Athlon video card review ;) ).  There is also an interview with "Drew the PR Dude" at AMD.  Go read 'em.  

The Scoop on the Cyrix layoffs.